Artist Statment

I create bold, luminous expressionist paintings that dance with form, line and color.  They are elegant and awkward, playful and sublime – oozing with the remnants of a world not seen, yet vaguely familiar.

I paint the illumination and liveliness that is just behind the veil.   Through the interplay of colorful paint and mark making, I invite engagement with friendly, resonant forms and shapes.  This allows a sense of spaciousness and connection --evokes a feeling of floating, play, delight, wonder, curiosity.

My process is one of experimentation and attention.  I mark, smear, splotch with paint and other media.   Sometimes a raw, immediate expression emerges, yet the painting often involves layering, then refining, covering, and enduring as the painting comes into view.   The process is one of listening and observing in a presence that offers solace and joy.  The paintings are often unexpected revelations.
