Luminous, Expressive Paintings


Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas 30”x 40”

$595 SOLD

Attempting to Explain Delight

Acrylic & Mixed Media on Paper $695

Considering the Magnitude of Wonder

Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas 30”x 40”

$500 SOLD

The Whole Language 18”x 24” Acrylic & Mixed Media $495

The Quality of Mercy 24”x 30” Acrylic & Mixed Media $695


My wish is for my paintings to spread joy and light. I have suggested prices. If my pricing structure doesn’t meet your needs — let me know. There are many more works under paintings — please take a look and see if something calls to you. I have not yet set up an online store. I intend to, yet it’s a learning curve! For purchase or any questions — Contact me here: 